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The 4-1-1 On Sciatica

By Shawn VanderBrook, PT, DPT, OCS  Sciatica is a term thrown around by patients and doctors alike and is a common complaint across the United States. What is it? How does it occur? What are the main causes? How can I get rid of it? These are all questions that I hear...

Next-Generation Marketing

By James Geedy Personalization. As consumers, we all want it. As businesspeople, we should all use it. “Know your customer” is a basic tenet of marketing, and it’s especially critical in a marketplace where target audiences are continuously bombarded with information...

How About Some Risk in Your Life?

By Bill Gladstone, CCIM, SIOR If you look at any situation over the long (and even the short) term, there is always risk. You cannot alleviate risk; however, in both business and in your personal life you can strive to minimize any impact risk might have. Typically...