Sep 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Health/Wellness
By Brian Cardin, PT, C.Ped. The Problem Good employees are invaluable to any employer. Knowing this value, employers strive to provide a work environment and appropriate compensation that recognizes each employee’s value to their company. Attracting and retaining the...
Aug 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Law
By Jessica T. Zolotorofe, Esq. For decades, some Pennsylvanians have loudly opposed billboard advertising, deeming it to be aesthetically displeasing and environmentally unfriendly. Movements led by groups such as the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Society...
Jul 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Technology
By William J. Sutton II, LEED AP, CHC, UAS Pilot In about the time it takes for you to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, we can use our company drone to complete a 50-acre site survey, take aerial video and photos, and send a full report directly to a client’s email....
Jun 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Medical Corner
By Bob Gorinski, DPT We rarely think about our shoulders until something goes wrong. We ask a lot of our shoulders, so it should be no surprise they are frequently problematic. Our shoulders move frequently, in all directions, and through an extremely large range of...
Jun 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Operations
By James J. Green, Jr. Investing in regular, preventative, or restorative cleaning can be a low priority for building owners and facility managers. With competing demands for limited dollars, cleaning beyond the basics of emptying the trash, vacuuming, and...
Jun 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Development
By Kirk Stoner, AICP Take a break from your busy day. Look out the window. The landscape you are viewing — a farm field, office building, or residential development — required some level of planning. Ownership needed to be determined. Property lines required...