Mar 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Medical Corner
By Bob Gorinski, DPT You Have Probably Made These Errors In Searching Online For Help! Every day I witness the challenges that my physical therapy clients face when they turn to Dr. YouTube or Nurse Google for help with typical muscle, joint, and movement pains....
Mar 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Community
Emergency Veterinary Center Offers Expert Care and Compassion Few things can cause fear for a pet owner like an after-hours trauma or emergency. There are hospital emergency rooms and urgent care facilities to handle family members’ health emergencies, but where does...
Mar 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Financial
By Michael S. Travis, Esq. Consumers considering bankruptcy have many concerns about how a filing affects their credit use and credit report. In this article, we answer some common questions regarding the impact of bankruptcy. Can I Remove A Bankruptcy Filing From My...
Mar 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Technology
By William Sutton, II In about the time it takes for you to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, we can use our company drone to complete a 50-acre site survey, take aerial video and photos, and send a full report directly to a client’s email. That is astonishing!...
Mar 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Introduction
By Bill Gladstone, CCIM, SIOR So many transactions, so many deals never get out of the blocks because the extra push they needed to get rolling never happened. Someone got busy, distracted, or just lost focus. The deal that could have been a huge success never...
Feb 1, 2018 | Article Archive, Health/Wellness
By Amanda Flanagan, DPT Arthritis encompasses more than 100 diseases and conditions that affect joints, the surrounding tissues, and other connective tissues. It affects nearly one of every six Americans, making it one of the most common diseases and cause of...