Dec 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Development
By Zack Yearick The Central Pennsylvania market has seen no shortage of development lately. From new single-family housing, apartments, office buildings, and even big box warehouses, it seems our region is on fire with growth. Ten years removed from the Great...
Nov 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Efficiency
By James C. Mooney, PE, LEED AP Renovation and energy reduction projects begin with great intentions and often end in aggravation and, potentially, a sick building due to the unintended consequences of not rightsizing the HVAC systems as a part of the overall design....
Nov 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Development
By Michael J. Kushner, CCIM Co-working and shared office space is not a new model. Businesses like Regus have been providing flexible, monthly memberships for access to shared office space for years. This rose out of a growing need for businesses to have short-term,...
Nov 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Financial
By Jeff Thomas The U.S. Congress’ right to impose the federal income tax was established when the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on February 3, 1913. Since then, many new federal tax laws have been enacted for economic, social, or political...
Nov 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Introduction
By Bill Gladstone, CCIM, SIOR Remember how difficult it was when you first got in the business? You sat alone at your desk and your only interaction with colleagues was when you had a question. Remember the frustration of being unsure what questions you even needed to...
Oct 1, 2019 | Article Archive, Employment
By Kathy Speaker MacNett, Esq. On September 24, 2019, after several false starts and a court injunction, the U.S. Department of Labor released the new FLSA regulation increasing the salary threshold for the so-called “White Collar” or EAP or “541” Exemptions. The...