Our Newsletter
Our newsletter, Harrisburg Commercial Real Estate Report, is an eight-page, full color publication produced monthly to give readers the latest information on our listings, completed deals, and features professional business articles written by industry leaders. Every thirty days, we keep you up-to-date on our newest listings, along with additional availabilities we currently have listed for sale and lease, all located in the Greater Harrisburg Area.

Our Magazine [retired]
The Bill Gladstone Group of NAI CIR was the first commercial real estate team in the region to bring you stories and strategies on real estate development through our in-house magazine, Harrisburg Commercial Real Estate Review (HCRER). This is the Harrisburg Region’s only premier commercial real estate publication dedicated to keeping its readers informed and proactive in their business decision-making. Whether you are looking for new space, selling a building or just have an interest in commercial real estate, you can’t go wrong with HCRER!

With information on dozens of qualified and credible local businesses as well as reaching more than 5,000 decision-makers, Harrisburg Commercial Real Estate Review is becoming one of the fastest growing publications in commercial real estate.