By Jim Gillespie
Business coaching has become very popular within recent years. The idea of working with someone who can help you produce better results within your business has really caught on with business owners across America. But what really is business coaching and could it really be a good fit for you?
Business coaching, generally speaking, is when you work with someone one-on-one to help you to take your business results and your income to the next level. People who hire business coaches are people who are already successful, but know they’re capable of even greater success. With this in mind, here are three reasons why you might consider hiring a business coach:
1) You are looking for new ideas to take your business to the next level.
2) There are ideas, systems, and approaches you’ve considered implementing into your business, but you still haven’t taken the next steps.
3) You recognize that you need someone to hold you accountable within your business, because you’re not accomplishing your desired goals.
Once you’ve decided you want to hire a business coach, how do you find the best one for you? If you know anyone in your line of business who has worked with a business coach, you might ask them about their experience in working with that person, and then contact the coach directly. Or you could do an online search that includes the keywords for your profession, along with the word “coach” in the search and see if you can find some coaching candidates.
It is possible that your ideal coach will be someone who doesn’t necessarily specialize within your industry. Such an individual can bring ideas, technology, and approaches to your business that other coaches within your industry might not be aware of, potentially offering your business a competitive advantage.
Before you ever hire your coach, make sure they will inspire you to take the action necessary to move you to even higher levels within your business. You don’t want your coach to be someone who doesn’t light that blowtorch within you to get you revved up, excited, and motivated to implement new ideas. A good sports coach is someone who will motivate their team and inspire them to move onto higher levels of excellence, and this is exactly what you want your business coach to do for you.
So in putting all of this together, where are you at right now in your business? Could you use some new ideas and some inspiration, motivation, and accountability to make big things happen for you? If so, then hiring a business coach could be exactly what you need to take your business to the next level.

By Jim Gillespie
Advanced Commercial Real Estate Coaching
Jim Gillespie is America’s Premier Commercial Real Estate Coachsm. He’s been in the coaching business for 20 years and recently released the Amazon #1 bestselling book, “Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers: Interviews with the Best in the Business,” which includes an interview with Bill Gladstone. You can learn more about Jim by visiting his website at
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